[ODE] Capped Cylinder/ static trimesh assertion failureuponcollision

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Fri May 28 10:06:16 MST 2004

> > assertion "Index >= 0 && Index < (Flags & 0x0fffff)" failed in
> > c:\cvs\ode\src\collision_trimesh_internal.h:124

> Please try to increase the number of contacs in your collision callback.
> Does that help?

I don't think that would help; that's not what the assert is complaining 
about. If I remember correctly, this assert tells you that you fed the 
trimesh collider vertex index data with values outside the allowed 0-65535 
range. This either means you passed it bad data in, or that you freed your 
block after building the trimesh (which is explicitly not allowed in the 

Just inspecting the code around the assert (the location of which is 
conveniently included in the error message) should make it obvious where 
the data is coming from, and hence, what's going wrong.


			/ h+

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