[ODE] Building on MacOSX (and now Linux)

Rodrigo Hernandez kwizatz at aeongames.com
Wed May 3 17:39:30 MST 2006

Ok, Received the files, made the changes, please test and see how it works.

I decided to just use the opengl, cocoa framework when OSX is detected 
since there is no use forcing people to add the configure
flag, hope it works as is, let me know if there are any other issues.

Oh, and thanks for your contribution.

Rodrigo Hernandez wrote:

>You can send me a zip file with the files, I'll incorporate the changes 
>to the source tree.
>Samuli Riihonen wrote:
>>I think I have the port in a stable enough state for others to try now.
>>Seems to work quite ok now, the only thing missing at the moment is  
>>resizing the window,the viewport size is not updated accordingly.
>>There is one new source-file:
>>Besides that there are a few changes needed in
>>How should I proceed with these?
>>Make patches of the changes?
>>The changes are quite small and I already wrote some notes and  
>>comments of the changes in a text-file, so it would be quite easy for  
>>someone (Rodrigo?) to incorporate these by hand.
>>- Samuli
>>On 2.5.2006, at 4.06, James Stallings II wrote:
>>>Anyone making any progress?
>>>One history test  down and one Govt and one more Hist to go :)
>>>On 4/30/06, Jason Perkins <starkos at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>On 4/28/06, Samuli Riihonen <samuli at riihonen.net> wrote:
>>>>>Just the other day I recognized that drawstuff still uses X11 on  
>>>>>OS X and decided to try and make a 'native' port of the platform-
>>>>>specific code.
>>>>This, of course, would be the ideal solution. Thanks for making  
>>>>the attempt.
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