[ODE] <Survey>: ODE - Present and Direction.

gl gl at ntlworld.com
Wed May 12 17:15:13 MST 2004

> limited their answer set.  I think redesigning the poll would yield
> drastically different results. As it stands right now, we've not learned
> much from it (we already knew before the poll that everybody wants
> everything :P)

I disagree, there's a lot of useful info in there.  For example, what people
generally think of ODE, that the biggest perceived failings are currently
solver speed and collision accuracy (makes sense), the fact that most of the
collision primitives are useful to a lot people...

With regards to having too many options to check, the survey doesn't allow
things like assigning priorities to answers - it's either 1 of 10, or any of
10 - so I had to break the 'top 3 priorites' question into 3 steps of single
answers.  It's not ideal, but if you look at those, again you see what
people most care about.

Which questions did you find redundant?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Reinstein" <web_fella at hotmail.com>
To: <ode at q12.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [ODE] <Survey>: ODE - Present and Direction.

> Not to get too caught up in details, but it strikes me that the even
> might be the result of the poll being thrown together very quickly...A lot
> of the questions are doubly redundant, plus giving people the option to
> check all boxes they want causes people to respond differently than if you
> limited their answer set.  I think redesigning the poll would yield
> drastically different results. As it stands right now, we've not learned
> much from it (we already knew before the poll that everybody wants
> everything :P)
> just my 2.5 cents
> --neko
> &gt;From: James Arthur &lt;teamonkey at gmail.com&gt;
> &gt;To: ode at q12.org
> &gt;Subject: Re: [ODE] &lt;Survey&gt;: ODE - Present and Direction.
> &gt;Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 15:13:34 +0100
> &gt;
> &gt;On Tue, 11 May 2004 10:55:40 -0700, Russ Smith &lt;russ at q12.org&gt;
> wrote:
> &gt; &gt; i'm paying close attention to this survey. the results so far
> to
> &gt; &gt; indicate that, on average, people want everything! which i guess
> is no
> &gt; &gt; particular surprise...
> &gt;
> &gt;It's quite unusual to have *such* an even spread across the board
> &gt;though. You obviously can't please everyone.
> &gt;
> &gt;One choice that I didn't see was the sanction of a GLUT-like ODE
> &gt;Utility Library that could encapsulate the non-core functions of ODE
> &gt;(such as cloth, fluids and more evolved collision structures).
> &gt;
> &gt;James
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