[ODE] Terrain + ODE ... again
Paul Cheyrou-Lagreze
p.cheyroulagreze at free.fr
Tue May 11 14:58:08 MST 2004
> So, can someone who already have made it to explain a good way to have
> terrain collision?
Because there is many ways to handle this, Benoit CHAPEROT implementation,
transform terrain into a trimesh, Create a new Ode object as in slickworm
http://slickworm.sourceforge.net/, etc.
> Heh... ODE is i nice stuff.. i don't understand why nobody write
> something strong for this,... a
So here's another one, surely the easiest to test... (don't know if it's
the best one...)
I use "Sliding Planes", that is ode plane appears under entities according
to terrain normals at the entity position.
Here's one (in C++),
that just need a GetHeightAt function in you terrain algos :
const dReal *pos_bod = dBodyGetPosition (entity->getBody ());
float objheight = (float) pos_bod[1]; // pos_bod[1] is entity y pos
Vector3 pos = Vector3 ((Real) pos_bod[0],
(Real) pos_bod[1],
(Real) pos_bod[2]);
getHeightAt (pos); // does modify pos.y according to terrain height at
this position
// if test is true, then there is some collision
// therefore, we create a "sliding plane"
if (pos.y > objheight)
Vector3 vecz = pos;
Vector3 vecx = pos;
vecx.x = vecx.x + SHIFT_POS;
activetempentity->getHeightAt (vecx);
vecz.z = vecz.z + SHIFT_POS;
activetempentity->getHeightAt (vecz);
Vector3 kEdge1 = pos - vecx;
Vector3 kEdge2 = vecz - vecx;
Vector3 normal = kEdge1.crossProduct (kEdge2);
Real distance = normal.dotProduct (pos);
dPlane temp (space,
(dReal) normal.x, (dReal) normal.y, (dReal) normal.z,
(dReal) distance);
dContact contact[NUM_CONTACTS];
if (int numc = dCollide (entity->getGeom (), temp.id (), NUM_CONTACTS,
&contact[0].geom, sizeof(dContact)))
for (int i=0; i < numc; i++)
[...]// usual Ode contact stuff
/////end of code
- SHIFT_POS must be equal to object width or height...
- Vector3, Vector3::normalise and Vector3::dotProduct comes from OGRE
engine. but surely you have same objects or functions somewhere in your
code. (perhaps there is some in Ode's?)
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