[ODE] Presentation and question

Shaul Kedem shaul_kedem at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 5 10:52:45 2003

> It disappears if I don't ininit3D, but check the
> positions with prprintfs
> InInit3d (but no draw/render/scene flips), and it
> does happen. PuPurifyshows> me that D3D has alalloc
some 800k... totally
> baffling me.

So, one of two things: either D3D ininitoes something
to the system (which will be very weird since couple
of D3D projects are out there or the memory allocation
change gets something overwritten (corrupts memory)
somewhere else.

Trust ODE. most times the problem is not there. Also
trust D3D, unless you are doing something highly
ununrthodox the problem is somewhere else.

I suggest you start tracking it down using the removal
of pepiecesf code strategy. Good luck :-)


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