[ODE] Python wrapper and collisions

Nolan J. Darilek nolan at thewordnerd.info
Wed Aug 27 15:48:02 2003

Sent something like this to the author of the python wrapper a few
days back, but maybe someone here can answer.

The tutorials on the wrapper's webpage are excellent, however, I'm a
bit confused about the more advanced aspects of collision
detection. Are there any examples of the python wrapper in use that
are a) freely available and b) somewhat complex? Many of my questions
can probably be answered much more effectively by viewing others'

My current question involves doing something with the results of
collisions--specifically, notifying each game object that it has been
hit, determining how severely (probably just a ratio of penetration to
total volume, unless there's a better method) and letting the objects
determine how they're fairing after being knocked around a bit. Once I
have a contactgroup JointGroup, however, what can I do with it? It's
been years since I've written python, and I'm still in a ruby
mindset. I've tried:

for x in contactgroup:

but that didn't work.

Can anyone offer any advice or, better yet, point me to an example?