ODE in other languages
Mattias Fagerlund has successfully converted header files to use ODE with Delphi. Obtain source and examples at DelphiODE
- Also, Stuart Gooding has been working to integrate DelphiODE and GlScene? at http://www.geocities.com/stuart_gooding/
- GLScene is a OpenGL library for Delphi -- CVS info is available.
There is an early version of ODE-Java binding at http://odejava.dev.java.net/
There is also a port of ODE to Java called ode4j
ODE bundles with its own Python bindings, on the bindings/python directory. It's mostly compatible with PyODE.
See http://homepage.ntlworld.com/david.walker530/ode/, or Tao.Ode, or OdeDotNet (Tao.Ode sister project). On the other hand, you can also check ODE.NET, which is released along with ODE at the sourceforge download page.
C++ Builder 6
You need to add the "include" directory that comes with your ODE distribution (the full path, wherever you place it) in the "Include path" of your project. You also need to convert the export library that comes with the dll using coff2omf
coff2omf ode.lib ode_omf.lib
and include this library in your proyect. If you use the single precission version of the library, you may also need to add the following defines to "Conditional defines"
There are bindings for FreeBASIC 0.17 and above.
More infos: FreeBASIC Wiki
There are libraries for SpiderMonkey javascript engine, see http://code.google.com/p/jslibs/ ( code:http://jslibs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/jsode/ )
The D Programming Language
The Derelict Project provides bindings to ODE 0.11.
Objective Caml
More info here : http://www.linux-nantes.org/~fmonnier/ocaml/ODE/