[ODE] Collision: Ray Vs Trimesh

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Thu Sep 14 17:18:19 MST 2006

The ray must use a normalized direction vector (length = 1), and set the 
length using the ray parameters.

The raycar demo has a FPS player based on a ray and a capsule; you can 
read the source for one perspective on how to do it.



          / h+

Anderegg, Bradley (Brad) (CIV) wrote:
> Howdy,
> I am making a typical FPS motion model and I am using a ray for 
> determining my height.  For some reason, if the ray is long enough it 
> will pickup geometry below me (if I am in a two story building, or 
> overhanging porch) and not the geometry directly below me.  Are there 
> any known bugs with this, or are there caveats when using a ray with a 
> trimesh?
> Brad

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