[ODE] ODE .NET Bindings Performance Issues, Unsafe code, etc...

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Sat Oct 21 19:12:27 MST 2006

Why would you need the proxy objects? A good garbage collector starts at 
the known roots (stack, registers, global variables) and can collect 
from there. For example, the conservative Boehm GC does this; it needs 
no proxy objects.


          / h+

Lukasz Stafiniak wrote:
> Hi,
> Long ago, I've written here about adding reference counting to ODE for
> integration with external garbage collectors. What I really needed
> (I've patched my ODE 0.5) are proxy objects to ODE objects, which can
> tell if an ODE object lives (non-null pointer) or has been deleted
> (pointer set to null). The only management needed from ODE is setting
> these pointers to null when deleting objects. (I also added keeping
> geoms from a deleted space alive when their proxies are still held by
> someone, but this is not essential.)
> I remember thinking a lot about this matter (but not the thoughts
> unfortunately.) What do you think?
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