[ODE] SVN rev 966 builds squeaky clean on my OS X box

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Tue May 23 11:25:54 MST 2006

Systemwide ODE on Windows makes even less sense than on Linux.

In general, I'd assume any game (or other project) shipped with ODE to 
install the DLL in the application folder.


          / h+

Rodrigo Hernandez wrote:
> Libtool is troublesome on Windows, not only because it uses the awfuly 
> OLD way of creating dlls, but also because
> in Windows, appending a version number to the dll filename makes no sence.
> Also, having a systemwide ODE shared library means selecting beween 
> single and double, for which it would probably be a good idea to have both,
> perhaps libode.single.so.0.6.0 and libode.double.so.0.6.0, which, if we 
> stop now and implement would mean even more time before we see a 0.6.0 
> version.
> if it is posible to do sonames without libtool, I could try and make a 
> workaround in autotools, but I dont think it will be on 0.6.0.

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