[ODE] Loading trimesh from file

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Wed Jul 12 00:39:18 MST 2006

Ecker, Bryan R wrote:
> Are there any samples out there available that I can use as a tutorial 
> for loading in a building (or any gaming environment) and making it 
> solid? Any other pointers?
You can try the RayCar demo (or possibly the older carworld demo). Check 
the Wiki FAQ area.
> Another quick unrelated question: Has anyone worked ODE with Cal3d? 
> I'm using a capsule as a bounding shape for my Cal3D character, but I 
> know it could be better. I'm wondering if its possible to use a 
> trimesh on the character and have the mesh move as the character moves 
> - anybody have any tips, pointers or sample code to pull that off?
Trimeshes use some pre-processing when you build them, so re-building 
the mesh every frame would be fairly slow. I would instead bound every 
joint with a capsule or a box; that would be precise enough for 
realistic interaction, and much cheaper.


          / h+

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