Re: [ODE] I´m totally unhappy with ODE ... Please Help me

Pavel Antokolsky aka Zigmar zigmar at
Mon Dec 18 05:16:25 MST 2006

On 12/17/06, arturapps <arturapps at> wrote:
> I also noticed that dGeomSetRotation by matrix is very slow for complex
Considering the following code that calls 29 times (!) to
trigonometric functions to construct one single matrix, I'm  surprised
it moves at all. You really should re-consider your implementation if
you want to make your game run at reasonable speed.

>    matrx[0] = cos(beta)*cos(gama);
>    matrx[1] = sin(alfa)*sin(beta)*cos(gama) + cos(alfa)*sin(gama);
>    matrx[2] = - cos(alfa)*sin(beta)*cos(gama) + sin(alfa)*sin(gama) ;
>    matrx[3] = - cos(beta)*sin(gama);
>    matrx[4] = - sin(alfa)*sin(beta)*sin(gama) + cos(alfa)*cos(gama);
>    matrx[5] = cos(alfa)*sin(beta)*sin(gama) + sin(alfa)*cos(gama);
>    matrx[6] = sin(beta);
>    matrx[7] = -sin(alfa)*cos(beta);
>    matrx[8] = cos(alfa)*cos(beta);

Best regards,

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