Re: [ODE] I´m totally unhappy with ODE ... Please Help me

David Walters hidden.asbestos at
Mon Dec 18 05:06:20 MST 2006

> I´ve just discovered that my problems are the rotations I apply to my geoms.
> I have no problem with translations but just with rotations .

Hi, a common problem is that the orientation(?) of the ODE matrix is
different from DirectX / OpenGL. There's probably something in the
Wiki about it, I forget :-)

Anyway, try transposing the rotation, i.e.

	dMatrix3 R;

	R[ 0] = transform.m00;
	R[ 4] = transform.m01;
	R[ 8] = transform.m02;
	R[ 1] = transform.m10;
	R[ 5] = transform.m11;
	R[ 9] = transform.m12;
	R[ 2] = transform.m20;
	R[ 6] = transform.m21;
	R[10] = transform.m22;

	R[ 3] = 0;
	R[ 7] = 0;
	R[11] = 0;

	dGeomSetPosition( m_geom, transform.m30, transform.m31, transform.m32 );
	dGeomSetRotation( m_geom, R );

This is copied from my (DirectX based) engine and should hopefully
solve your difference between rendering and collision.

David Walters

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