[ODE] Small build issues with ODE trunk

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Wed Aug 23 12:28:24 MST 2006

Jason Perkins wrote:
>> 1) testing.cpp is added to the project, but actually causes a
>> double-defined symbol error. It should be removed from the project.
> I am not seeing this error in VS2005. I can't simply remove
> testing.cpp as it is used by test_ode; perhaps I can copy the
> functions over. I don't know that we ever decided the fate of
> test_ode.

Why do you need the symbols? They are already defined in OPCODE. Are you 
building without OPCODE?

Also, I was building DLL version -- the static lib version might happily 
accept both definitions.

>> I also am seeing a behavior I didn't expect (and haven't noticed before,
>> but it's likely not new). If I have a body in the world, with some
>> geoms, and then decide to call dBodyDisable(), and remove the geoms from
>> my world space, then the body will accelerate through the floor because
>> of gravity, even though it is disabled!
> This sure sounds like a bug. Could you add it to the SF.net bug tracker?

I'll try to come up with a simple test case.


			/ h+

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