[ODE] Materials, Collision

Tyler Streeter tylerstreeter at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 18:41:37 MST 2005

In the OPAL library we implemented a (relatively simple) materials
system.  It lets you set material properties (like friction,
bounciness, mass) for each shape (i.e. ODE geom).  Check out the
source if you think it might help.



On 10/25/05, Szabo Gabor <uchimata at axelero.hu> wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I'm new to the list and to the ODE "users" too, and I need your help.
> The simple question is how to define different physics "material" and
> how to handle the different collision types? I've read the list-archive
> a lot - I like it really ;) - but I did not found anything about it. I
> studied the ODE documentation as well, and I feel there's not too much
> about the different contact types, but at least I know what kind of
> collisions I could use/mix. Sorry for the - probably dude - questions ;)
> Thanks,
>    Uchimata
> ps.: that could be enough if you send me addresses where to look for
> example code or some detailed documentation as well, but your
> experiences are irreplacable ;)
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