[ODE] PATCH: flat-capped cylinder support

Bram Stolk bram at sara.nl
Fri Nov 11 10:10:09 MST 2005

J. Perkins wrote:
> On 11/11/05, Bram Stolk <bram at sara.nl> wrote:
>>I've added flat-capped cylinder support to my working copy of the unstable
>>branch. (based on dcyl2 contrib).
> Excellent. I could really use this.
>>It would be great if I could get cvs-write access to the unstable
>>branch, so I can commit. Could this be arranged?
> In theory, I could add you. But since I'm still a bit new here, let me
> wait and see if there is any policy for this.

Ok, thank you for considering this. It would be a great help.

> In the meantime, I would put your diff output into the patch manager
> at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=24884&atid=382801 to make
> sure it doesn't get lost. I'm going to be sorting through more of the
> patches today.

Well... I intended to do this, but it is not a single patch: it is
a diff of existing files, plus 3 new files. So cvs write would probably
be easier.

> Jason

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