[ODE] Ray as Sensor (Please help)

Eugen Lofing lofing at gmx.net
Mon May 30 14:16:20 MST 2005


I tried to implement a sensor using ODE-ray - it tries to affect the
objects, that are near to it. 

It throws away them (the objects) ;-)

somebody know, how I can disable this affecting? 


// create a ray 
dGeomRaySet(m_raygeom, pos->x, pos->y, pos->z, dir->x, dir->y, dir->z); 
// fire it 
dSpaceCollide2(m_raygeom, (dGeomID)IPhEngine::m_theSpace, this,

// and its callback: 
void raySensorCallback(void* data, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2) { 
   if (o1 == o2) return; 

   dContactGeom contactArray[1]; 
   int numContacts = dCollide(o1, o2, 1, contactArray,

   if (0 == numContacts) {   return;   } 
   else { 
      RaySensor * r = (RaySensor *)data; 
      r->m_collided = true; 
      r->m_distance = contactArray[0].depth; 

I mean a sensor should just get an information, not trying push them 

... and do somebody know, what the parameters do:

void dGeomRaySet (dGeomID ray, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz,
      dReal dx, dReal dy, dReal dz);
            ^^        ^^        ^^ 

Quote: "...direction (dx,dy,dz) of the given ray. The ray's rotation matrix
will be adjusted so that the local Z-axis is aligned with the direction."

- I don't understand, what it does mean. Are the parameters (dx,dy,dz)
really a Rotation-matrix or a 2-nd. point? Because the ray does not
seem to exist if I set this params to (0,0,0) -> Z-axis-direction ...

Please help me somebody. Thank u.

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