[ODE] From unstable to trunk...

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Thu Jun 30 16:38:34 MST 2005

Alen Ladavac wrote:
> Isn't Subversion supposed to have problems with branching? (i.e. Not 
> keeping integration history across branches, what is a real pain to work 
> with I guess.)

Yes, Subversion is more annoying than Perforce when it comes to merging 
back and forth. However, it's still less annoying than CVS -- all CVS 
understands is either "everything, recursively" or "this specific list 
of specific files/revisions, specified manually". SVN understands "only 
this particular checkin, spanning many files" if that's what you want to 

I betcha you could write an integration layer that uses the property 
functionality of subversion to track this. In fact, I'd be surprised if 
there wasn't already an effort under way to do this. But we're getting 
dangerously off topic, so I'll shut up now :-)

The main problem is still that we don't have a whole lot of technically 
advanced people with lots of time to spare for the project; that's not 
going to change with any change in version control system, so forget I 
suggested it.


			/ h+

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