[ODE] problem in Calling dsSimulationLoop in loop

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Sat Jan 1 11:39:12 MST 2005

> Actully I am using ODE for Evolutionary robotics so to view the gait of the 
> robot in between the evolution I need to call the dsSimulation in a loop.

> Can you throw soem more light  on the same?

The "drawstuff" part of ODE is not a documented part of ODE proper, 
it is not a scene graph, and it's not intended to be graphics middle-
ware. It's used for visualizing the ODE test cases. If you're writing 
your own application, I would suggest going with some visualization 
package that better suits the bill. This could be something like 
OpenSceneGraph, or Ogre3D, or just plain GL on top of GLUT (depending 
on platform and requirements).

That being said, if you're having problems with the drawstuffs code, 
then the source is available, and you can copy and re-factor the code 
for dsSimulationLoop() to only create and show a window once, and then 
set up and run multiple simulations without closing the window; that 
ought to fix your problem.


			/ h+

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