[ODE] Should trimeshes react to physics?

Jon Watte (ODE) hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Mon Dec 12 14:34:46 MST 2005

> from an average of 20 to 6. However, the real problem that causes explosions 
> is conflicting contacts where at a slope contacts are generated with 
> differing normals such as one pointing straight up and another one nearby 
> pointing diagonally upwards.

Part of contact filtering is to sum up close to coincident constraints 
into a single constraint, for example using the average of the normal 
and penetration depth. If you get into situations where you get lots of 
contacts, filtering is very necessary.

I guess it'd be useful if ODE had a built-in "default" contact filter 
which could be used by people who don't want to write their own.


			/ h+

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