[ODE] Collision with a trimesh ground

Aurélien .... kinju59 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 19:09:19 MST 2005

Hi all,

I have a ground represented by a geometry (trimesh) and a car represented
with a body and a geometry (trimesh too), the ground is only a geometry,
without body for making it a static object.

I made the implementation for drive the car and the ground is made with
bumps, springboards and holes. For the moment, the car move on the ground
like if I created juste a plane, so, the car passe through the ground when y
> 0 and don't "fall" when y < 0.
Now, I would like the car evolve in report the ground (with
speed/orientation/gravity etc... modification).
How can I do? Is this type of collision is the same that a collision with
two dynamic object?

Thanks all
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