[ODE] Open Physics Abstraction Layer version 0.3.0

Tyler Streeter tylerstreeter at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 13:13:01 MST 2005

Open Physics Abstraction Layer is a library I've been working on for a
few months with Andres Reinot and Alan Fischer.  The goal of the
project is to make it easy for people to start using physics
simulation in their applications by providing a simple interface over
the top of existing physics engines (ODE only for now, but it could be
extended to use others in the future).  It's mainly helpful for people
getting started with physics that don't want/need to tweak tons of
parameters.  It also provides a set of high-level constructs (various
sensors and motors) for things like robotics simulations.

I just posted a new version (0.3.0), including a source release and a
precompiled win32 binary version.  Also included is a sample app that
uses the Ogre rendering engine (www.ogre3d.org).

If you're interested, read more details on the website (I have posted
tutorials and full API documentation), and let me know what you think.



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