[ODE] Max Angular Velocity

Geoff Carlton gcarlton at iinet.net.au
Wed Sep 29 18:02:53 MST 2004

I get the same problem, at least with explosions.  To fix it, have my 
own AddForceAtPos(), which applies the force and torque as per ode 
except with two hacks:
  1.) I scale down the torque by a constant amount.
  2.) I cap the effective distance from object to force point when 
applying the torque.  The distance is capped to the object's bounding 

This allows an explosion effect that has a very large effect distance, 
without that causing a huge torque on the effected objects.  In general 
it seems to make some sense because in an explosion effect I'd imagine 
there is a force gradient, and that is what causes the torque. 

I'm curious to see if anybody else has a better solution for this sort 
of pressure gradient effect (one that isn't a complete hack, that is).


Paul Carrington wrote:

>Is there a way to set a maximum angular velocity for a body?
>Relevance: When applying a 'ForceAt' the farthest point from centre of mass, the
>body spins way too fast
>Note: Applying a 'ForceAt' closer to the bodies 'centre of mass' results in the
>desired reaction (based on the force and the bodies mass)... so reducing the initial
>force is not a solution
>thx in advance
>Paul Carrington
>Vulcan Software Ltd.
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