[ODE] xcode

Alexander Bussman buxman at telia.com
Tue Sep 21 15:54:53 MST 2004

This is strange, I first got it to compile.
But now after a few other changes it can't find the ODE headers anymore.
And if I put /Users/bux/Library/ODE/include (where the ode directory 
with the headers are located for me now) to the Header Search Paths in 
"Project Info"->Styles it can't find SDL (which I use to create the 
window) anymore.

What am I doing wrong?

One way I solved my problem was to add compiler flags (with 
-I/path/to/the/headers) on the files that were using ODE, and that 
works but is not a good way.

btw, I'm using xcode 1.5.

On Sep 21, 2004, at 0:33, James Gjerde wrote:

> u can link to the libode.a unix-style static library that is generated 
> from
> the makefile for macosx .
> just add libode.a to your project as an existing file. then make sure 
> u have
> the ode headers in your include path in the "General" settings of the
> project inspector or include them directly into your project. u could 
> also
> just specify the path to libode.a in the "Library Search Paths" in the
> project inspector.
> xcode encourages u to add files and libs to your projects as opposed to
> specifying paths but i choose to add the lib directly and then just 
> put the
> path to the headers in "Header Search Paths".
> that is what i do and it works well.
> jamie

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