Fw: [ODE] rolling contact force

Dimitris Papavasiliou jimmyp at hal.csd.auth.gr
Sun Oct 10 02:06:51 MST 2004

On Friday 08 October 2004 20:31, Michael Rauh wrote:

> > But the friction force is Ff = mu * Fn
> That's wrong. The *maximum* static friction force is mu * Fn. Only in
> the case of kinetic friction, Ff is mu * Fn. Further info in the docs,
> 3.11.1, Friction Approximation.

I see. I thought ODE didn't take care of that and was about to implement it 
myself. Thanks for pointing it out.

> ODE is a rigid body simulation, so there is no way to simulate rolling
> friction other than approximating it somehow. There are other
> libraries that will let you simulate this accurately, but I don't know
> any that won't have large demands on your purse.

I have no need of absolute accuracy but, according to what I could find about 
rolling friction, it is modelled just like sliding friction but with a 
different coefficient. So I believe that I either have to reimplement the ODE  
code that computes friction for the case of rolling friction to get a somehow 
accurate result or go with a physically incorrect but more or less realistic 
looking approach (like F = -kv). Both of these options are not very useful. 
Is there something else I can do, something that I'm missing?


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