[ODE] friction and restitution

Megan Fox shalinor at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 22:43:34 MST 2004

Create a custom table that contains all of these frictions, make a
custom callback that checks this table based on the material types of
the two colliding objects, and you're done.

Of course ODE doesn't have any table like this, but you can build one
yourself without any trouble at all - as for finding the friction
values, find a college Physics book, they often contain common
friction coefficients for various material pairs.

-Megan Fox

> Err, no, this was supposed to be a physics related question, not an ODE
> question. The question was whether such attributes exist in the first place,
> that is whether some measure of friction and restitution can be defined for a
> single body (from which we can calculate the respective (approximate) measure
> for a given pair) and which attributes these are.
> For example: if such a friction attribute exists and for wood it is u1 and for
> steel u2 then the friction coefficients for wood-wood, wood-steel,
> steel-steel should be f(u1, u1), f(u2, u2), f(u3, u3) respectively, where f
> is some function. I've been searching all over the web for something like
> that but to no avail.
> Dimitris
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