[ODE] Two easy questions...

Alexandre Ribeiro de Sá alex_r at vortexentertainment.com
Sat Nov 27 22:55:56 MST 2004


I made this code for my physic engine module, to create box body, but 
return error, I made the same for spheres, and it work, I read some ODE 
samples and I think is everything right...
Here is the code:
        prt_ODE_Body = dBodyCreate(w);
        dMassSetBox(&prt_ODE_BodyMass, density, lx, ly, lz);
        dBodySetMass(prt_ODE_Body, &prt_ODE_BodyMass);
        prt_ODE_BodyGeom = dCreateBox(s, lx, ly, lz);
        dGeomSetBody(prt_ODE_BodyGeom, prt_ODE_Body);

The second question is, Cylinder and CappedCylinder, where is the diference?

Alexandre Ribeiro de Sá

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