[ODE] Re: Picasso

Daniel Marbach daniel.marbach at epfl.ch
Tue Nov 2 00:37:13 MST 2004

> I believe the policy  "graphics are up to the user" makes very good
> sense as ODE is a dynamics engine first and foremost and this is where
> the development effort should be concentrated.

I agree, I didn't mean that ODE developers should now make a graphics library. I
thought of interested ODE users, like me...

> Use Ogre3D, or Nebula2, or one of the zillion other graphics libraries
> that focus on graphics. Most of them have wrappers that integrate ODE.

I didn't know any ode wrappers for cross-platform graphics libraries. Looks like
this is, what I was looking for. If I have
time I'll make a review and add the links to the wiki area...

> If you want to work on
> graphics, perhaps it's better to contribute to one of the graphics
> libraries.

True. I guess the only argument in favor of Picasso is, that it is small (about
the same size as Drawstuff), i.e. good for people that know GLUT and don't want
to spend a lot of time learning a new graphics library.



Daniel Marbach
Bitziusstr. 9
CH-3006 Bern

Tel: 031 351 11 09
WWW: http://icwww.epfl.ch/~marbach/

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