[ODE] dWorldSetAutoDisableFlag doesn't work?

Mohsin Hasan mohsin.hasan at trivor.com
Mon May 24 19:45:45 MST 2004

According to documentation dWorldSetAutoDisableFlag and all the other
dWorldSetAutoDisable* functions set the defaults for any object created in
the world. Apparently it means if I set the parameters for world, I don't
have to individually set these parameters for each body. But it doesn't seem
to work for me. As long as I specify these parameters for individual bodies
only (and not for world) it works. But if I set the world parameters it
doesn't work anymore even if I set the same parameters for individual bodies
afterwards. Apparently creating a body gets the default parameters from the
world but sets them in some other variables whereas setting these parameters
to the body directly sets bit flags to another parameter. Has anyone else
experienced it? I would have traced it more but it's pretty late and I'm
tired. Or am I understanding the feature wrong? 


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