[ODE] Large terrains

Bill Lebreton Merrill bmerrill at cs.ucr.edu
Mon May 24 01:35:32 MST 2004

Hi John,

Thanks for the great input.  What I'll most likely do, since it'll most
likely integrate the smoothest with my current system, is create separate
trimesh bodies for each patch in my terrain, which is typically 32x32
cells... sometimes 16x.

Did you find that the noticable hitch during body creation was easier to
deal with than the large loading times, just out of curiosity.

Also, what did you find to be the most efficient way for adding & removing
geoms from the collision set?  Did you use your own structures to cull out
the creation of the contact joints in the callback?  Or did you actually
remove the bodies from collision space?  If the the latter, how did you
handle it?  I'm fairly new to ODE... I've gotten quite familiar with the
API, but I have only been experimenting with it for a week or so.

To disable individual trimeshes (patches), did you use
dGeomEnable did very little for you, if I understand


- Bill


''   Bill Merrill                     ''
||   Web Developer/Programmer         ||
||   CE-CERT, UC Riverside            ||
||   Phone: 909-500-2240              ||
''   Email:  bmerrill at cert.ucr.edu    ''

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