[ODE] Compilation problem vith VC6

Alessandro Monopoli amonopoli at virgilio.it
Thu May 20 03:34:58 MST 2004

Now it works! Thanks!!

> > #define sqrtf sqrt
> > #define sinf sin
> > etc...
> the problem is probably that the configurator has generated these
> macros, thinking that sqrtf, sinf etc are not available on VC. now it's
> a mystery to me why the configurator does this - could it be that these
> functions are available for C++ but not for C? (because the configurator
> test programs are all C). the solution anyway is to just take away the
> #defines for the functions that VC actually has - look in the
> #VC6/_configs directory for examples.
> russ.
> -- 
> Russell Smith
> http://www.q12.org

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