[ODE] PyODE 0.1.4

brett hartshorn bhartsho at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 23 20:21:23 MST 2004


get the new PyODE 0.1.4 here:

So it's kinda working, i guess the question is now how do we move forward?  Tomorrow i will likey
have completed doing all of the 'thin wrappers' for the get functions returning a dReal.  Should
we make our own vector and matrix classes and stick those into the thin wrappers, or should we
subclass all the classes from the ode c++ wrappers and overload them.  Or should we just scrap the
ode c++ wrappers and make our own?

I had to do an ugly hack with the header files in odecpp_collision.cpp, have a look at the file
and you'll see what i'm talking about.  I think we need to talk to the ODE guys, it seems like ODE
is not setup well for wrapping, and boost is very picky about things.


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