[ODE] Makefile changes needed to allow debugging of ODE.DLL under VC6

John Miles jmiles at pop.net
Sun Jun 20 19:06:52 MST 2004

Comparing files makefile.msvc-dll and \ODE50.OLD\CONFIG\MAKEFILE.MSVC-DLL
***** makefile.msvc-dll
   27:  OPT=d
   28:  C_FLAGS+=/Z7
   29:  endif
   27:  OPT=d
   28:  endif

***** makefile.msvc-dll
   37:  ifeq ($(BUILD),debug)
   38:  ODE_LIB_AR_RULE=link /dll /debug:full /nologo /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS
/def:config/$(DEFS_FILE) $(LINK_OPENGL) /OUT:$(patsubst %.lib,
   39:  .dll,$@)
   40:  endif
   42:  ifeq ($(BUILD),release)
   43:  ODE_LIB_AR_RULE=link /dll /nologo /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS
/def:config/$(DEFS_FILE) $(LINK_OPENGL) /OUT:$(patsubst %.lib,%.dll,$@)
   44:  endif
   36:  ODE_LIB_AR_RULE=link /dll /nologo /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS
/LIBPATH:"C:\Progra~1\Micros~3\VC98\Lib" /def:config/$(DEFS_FILE) $(LINK_O
   37:  ENGL) /OUT:$(patsubst %.lib,%.dll,$@)

Basically, the debug configuration needs to add /Z7 to the compiler flags,
and /debug:full to ODE_LIB_AR_RULE.  The /LIBPATH directive needs to go
away, as in my earlier post.  These changes allow the MSVC debugger to step
into the ODE.DLL source code, which isn't otherwise possible.

-- jm

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