[ODE] What can I do???!!! ODE Question...

George Birbilis birbilis at kagi.com
Sat Jul 17 13:41:54 MST 2004

> Ok, my model system create a bouding-box for the model, I'm using this
> info to create colision for cloth, like Hitman.

you can create ODE objects like Boxes etc. for that and ODE will take care
of the hits (you register a callback procedure for collisions and at each
collision you pass on the collision info you get from ODE to a special joint
type of ODE that is used to handle collision response [you set up that joint
temporarily for the collision response when two body faces/vertexes

> And my (last I think :D) problem is, how I update the model, for
> example, how I move the character? I like to walk, how I do this? I do
> like a "car" model, send a force to the ODE object?

yep, that's the idea, you use forces instead of programmatic displacements
etc. cause with displacements it's very hard for the physics engine and all
the joint constraints to keep up

George Birbilis <birbilis at kagi.com>
+ QuickTime VCL and ActiveX controls (for PowerPoint/VB/Delphi etc.)
+ Plugs VCL and ActiveX controls (InterProcess/Internet communication)
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