[ODE] SIGSEGV in dSolveLCP() at ode/src/lcp.cpp:1137

Olivier Michel Olivier.Michel at cyberbotics.com
Wed Feb 11 08:39:35 MST 2004

Hi there,

I have a bug in my ODE simulation which occurs in ODE dSolveLCP() 
function after a while and when two objects enter in collision, but I 
don't understand why a SIGSEGV occurs while creating a stack object in 
ode/src/lcp.cpp:1137. Here is what I get from gdb (under Linux/woody):

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1024 (LWP 6180)]
0x0817333e in dSolveLCP (n=351, A=0xbfef1630, x=0xbfeef480, b=0xbfeeff90,
   w=0xbfeee970, nub=0, lo=0xbfff9af0, hi=0xbfff8fe0, findex=0xbfff8a54)
   at ode/src/lcp.cpp:1137
1137      dLCP lcp 

How can the creation of a dLCP object cause a SIGSEGV ? Shall I try to 
replace it by something like:

dLCP *lcp = new dLCP(...);

Any hint would be appreciated.


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