[ODE] Collision impact force

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Tue Dec 21 12:32:17 MST 2004

What I do is this:

Keep a hash table of body/body collision pairs mapping to playing sound.
When collision is detected, check whether there exists a sound.
If not, create new sound.
Sound loudness is determined by the momentum of the two objects multiplied (mass times linear velocity dotted with the contact normal).

This works reasonably well. Not totally great in all cases, but reasonably.


			/ h+

-----Original Message-----
From: ode-bounces at q12.org [mailto:ode-bounces at q12.org]On Behalf Of
Rafael Horbach
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 6:24 AM
To: ode at q12.org
Subject: [ODE] Collision impact force

I'm looking for a "impact force" information, so I can put sounds and 
other effects when and where an impact is happening. I could not find 
any support for that in ODE, has anyone a clue about it?

One thing I have is the "dContact" information, but it has no "strength" 
of the impact. Of course, I can use the velocity of the bodies, but it's 
somehow complex to get the information I need, since I have the angular 
velocity too.

I think I can use some of functions on ode to get a body velocity at a 
given position, I think I'll try something like that, but has ODE a 
better solution?

Rafael Horbach (rafael at southlogic.com)
Southlogic Studios (http://www.southlogic.com)
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