[ODE] debug/release problem

Tullio Molitierno t.molitierno at diesgroup.com
Thu Dec 2 09:22:40 MST 2004

Thanks for your answer. You are right, the problem is in uninitialized 
contact parameter mu. It requires to be always in release mode.



Megan Fox wrote:

>Check your code - I had a similar problem (differences in behavior
>between debug and release), and it ended up being me handing
>unitialized memory to ODE.  I believe I wasn't allocating as many
>contact points in the array as I should have been, but I can't quite
>remember, it might have also been that I was forgetting to properly
>initialize them with sensible data.
>-Megan Fox
>>Hi to all,
>>In my simulation there are some boxes which collide with a trimesh. The
>>collisions detection and response work well if I run my application in
>>debug  mode, but if I run the application in release mode, it doesn't
>>work fine. It happens that the contact point between box and trimesh
>>does the box slower.
>>It seems there is friction, but it there isn't.
>>ps: My suite is Visual Studio .NET.
>>Someone has any idea?
>>Thanks and  sorry for my English.
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