[ODE] Car Simulation(Lots of problems)

Jon Watte hplus-ode at mindcontrol.org
Fri Aug 13 02:13:21 MST 2004

> > Nope, just steering. I did add the different steering angles
> > for inner/outer wheel after I built that demo, though, and
> > that improves things a little bit.

> You really mean different steering, or do you mean different 
> driving speeds (differential gear effect)?

No, I meant different steering. The inner wheel turns more 
than the outer wheel. I don't control driving speed of the 
wheels at all; I just control the force applied by the joint 

In the simulation, there's scalers for front wheels and 
rear wheels WRT the power exerted. I think the default is 
slightly rear-wheel-drive (100:70) for added punch.

Hmm, come to think of it, I might actually also control 
the desired speed -- the desired speed should really be at 
infinity when wanting to go forward, and the force applied 
should counterweigh the friction/air drag to achieve the 
maximum velocity.


			/ h+

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