[ODE] Russ' plans for ODE?

John Miles jmiles at pop.net
Tue Apr 20 13:49:16 MST 2004

Collision primitives (quality, not quantity) would be at the top of my list.
We still don't have a trimesh/box collider that passes the
test_moving_trimesh test without lodging boxes inside the wireframe bunny,
for instance.

Both Novodex and ODE use the same core library (Pierre Terdiman's OPCODE)
for trimesh collisions, but Novodex's collision performance is a lot more
stable and consistent.

-- jm

> > the rate of development has picked up recently on ODE, so i have created
> an ODE-CVS mailing list.
> Excellent.
> BTW Russ, now that you're active in ODE again, I was wondering what your
> long term plans for it were.  Do you expect to add any more significant
> features to it in the forseeable future?  Or perhaps an update
> to/rewrite of
> the internals?
> Features I would personally be interested in:
> Buoyancy (see
> http://www.cambrianlabs.com/Mattias/DelphiODE/BuoyancyParticles.asp for an
> implementation)
> Cloth simulation & interaction with geoms
> Convex hull collider
> What would everybody else like to see?

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