(trimesh-trimesh) Re: [ODE] Difference Between Bodies and Geoms

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Sun Apr 11 22:06:05 MST 2004

Jeffrey Smith wrote:
>>As discussed earlier, the new dGeomTriMeshDataSet() function
>>(see section 10.7.6 in a recent ODE manual in CVS) associates the
>>geom's homogenous transform matrix with the TriMeshData rather than
>>the geom, which is the problem.  
> Associating the data with the geom would be more general, I agree. I chose
> to associate it with the trimeshdata for "least change" reasons.  That is,
> I wanted to make as few changes as possible to ODE to include trimesh/trimesh
> collisions. 

Sure, I understand.  :)

 > This was before I was sure I could get good results, and before
> I knew it would be OK with my employers for me to contribute the code back
> to the community.  Feel free to fix my poor architecture decision.

Presumably someone is going to get frustrated enough to send
a patch... that seems to be how it works. :)

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3

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