[ODE] Porting codebase from 0.35 to 0.39

Adam D. Moss adam at gimp.org
Fri Sep 26 14:30:58 MST 2003

Shamyl Zakariya wrote:
 > Now, looking at my code, it's obviously passing a 3. So I run the
 > debugger... and the debugger reports correct values for everything
 > passed ( mass pointer, density, radius, & length ), but it reports that
 > I passed the integer value -1073749696...

Make sure that you're compiling against the correct version's
headers -- in particular, make sure that the expected dReal
type is the same between app and lib.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   adam at gimp.org   http://www.foxbox.org/   co:3

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