[ODE] solution for client - server simulation design

krejci.lukas at volny.cz krejci.lukas at volny.cz
Tue Oct 14 10:47:46 MST 2003


My question is maybe more general, but perhaps some of you
encounter similar problem. I plan to write little multiplayer
game using ODE as its dynamic engine part.  I need to design
clients - server communication & synchronization. But I'm not
sure, what would be best solution for distributed simulation.
There are two possible approaches:

1) Run simlutation on each client and synchronize timing throught
server. Simulation is small, it doesn't take mush resources, but
the problem here is synchronization. How will I ensure that those
simulation are identical? I down't know of any time precision
network protocol.

2) Run simulation only on server and transmit body changes to all
clieants. Clients would contain only "dead" geometry, whose
position and orientation is updated from server. But updates here
have to be done every frame, which is very network bandwidth

3) Combination of 1 and 2. Clients do not recieve updates every
frame. Instead, say twice a second, client recieve full update of
relevant bodies dynamics (linear and angular speed), correct
position and orientation.  Then until next update simulate body
with those values. This looks good, but I am not sure, if it will

If you could help me find solution for this problem either by
advice or link to relevant articles.  Thanks for your help,


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