[ODE] OpenDE for an FPS ??

david@csworkbench.com david at csworkbench.com
Tue Mar 25 11:19:01 2003

I imagine you'll have the best luck defining walls and floors as static
box geoms, i.e. geoms without a body attached to them.  That means they
effectively have infinite mass and are unmoveable.  That way you don't
have to worry about generating depth information and the like, since the
collision api returns data in ODE's format.  The collision detection
system can handle boxes, spheres, cylinders, triangle meshes (through the
tri-collider contrib), and soon (or is it already in there) heightfields.


> On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 03:06:42AM -0600, david@csworkbench.com wrote:
>> the capsule (by adding forces) to move and rotate the person, allowing
>> the collision detection system to keep the person out of walls, floors
>> and other places.  People have used rays to simulate bullets - you
>> shoot a ray
> What's the most efficient way to let ODE handle level geometry collision
> detection?  Or is this something that's better done by yourself?
> Ted
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