[ODE] Particle/cloth/skeleton (was: Re: Choleski factorization)

gl gl at ntlworld.com
Mon Mar 24 16:57:01 2003

> There's a 4-D vector in D3D as well though.


> And at *runtime*, not compile time.  This idea sounds better all the time

It would require quite a bit of hacking, but it would be nice if the ODE
internals used C++ operator overloading on their vecs/matrices/quats -
something that D3DX provides, but would have to be duplicated for non-win
platforms (actually you could just reuse their headers for much of it).  I
ended up writing a little dVector3 wrapper class for my heightfield stuff
just to keep me sane (I don't enjoy typing three times as many lines for
per-component manipulations - also makes the code clearer imo).