[ODE] driving simulator, mechanical differential for steering wheels

Cristian Bianchi cristian at sssup.it
Tue Jul 8 02:32:01 2003

my name is Cristian Bianchi, I'm trying to implement a fork-lift driving
simulator, for a traning application.
To improve the driving realism it's important to accurately control the
wheels speed during curves... (notice that the physical model of the fork
lift will be included in a complete virtual reality system... a motion based
simulator...It's not only a computer graphics application!!!)
Have you an idea on how to implement a mechanical differential for the
steering system?
Thank you in advance and sorry for my poor english ;)
Cristian Bianchi

Cristian Bianchi
Software Developer
Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari Sant'Anna

V.le R. Piaggio, 34
56025 Pontedera (PI) -  Italy
Tel: +39 050 883554 (direct)   +39 347 4821589 (mobile)
Fax : +39 050 883333
E-mail: cristian@sssup.it
URL:    http://www.percro.org/~cristian