Re[2]: [ODE] dCylinder with new collision detection system

slipch slipch <slipch at>
Wed Jan 15 06:56:02 2003

Hello Olivier,

Wednesday, January 15, 2003, 3:09:02 PM, you wrote:

OM> Hello Konstantin,

OM> Thanks for your fast reply. Do you mean that the zip attachment you sent 
OM> should work with the new version of the collision detection ? If not 
OM> what should changed so that it works ? What are those problems with Cyl 
OM> Cyl collision ? May I help getting them fixed ?

Yes it should work with new version of collision detection. At least
it works in my project.
 As to problems with cyl-cyl collision they are contact points not
 always are in the cylinders intersection volume. There is no visible
 effect on simulation (as seems to me) except maybe dancing in stack
 (there is other reasons  for the dancing indeed) but it is an IMO
 This problem appears when edge circles touches. To solve it I need to
 find a "good" axis for separation. The best one mast be line which
 connect the nearest circle points - but it needs too much
 computation. I have another solution - find mean points on the part
 of circles in cylinders volumes it also seems to be a "good" axis.
 Currently I use a trick which allows to set contact points near the
 place it should be.

Best regards,
Konstantin Sipchenko