FW: [ODE] Bug reporting

Michal Bacik michal at lonelycatgames.com
Thu Feb 13 02:32:37 2003

> here. just make sure its a bug :-)

If reading uninitialized variable is a bug, then here it is:

file ode/src/mass.cpp, function checkMass - *** use of uninitialized
variable 'dMatrix3 I2' ***
func performs dMULTIPLY0_333(I2,chat,chat); which writes first 3 members of
each row, leaving mess in fourth. One line below: for (int i=0; i<12; i++)
I2[i] = m->I[i] + m->mass*I2[i]; all 12 members of I2 are read, including
uninitialized ones. FPU won't be happy...

- michal

> --- Michal Bacik <michal@lonelycatgames.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > where can I report bugs I find?
> >
> > - michal