[ODE] test_ode and capped cylinders
skjold at cistron.nl
Wed Feb 12 18:30:01 2003
> Firstly, I'm having trouble placing the cylinders in my simulation. From
> what I've read in the docs the second argument to
> dMass::setCappedCylinder should dictate the cylinder's initial
> directionm but no matter what I put there, the cylinder still starts out
> vertically (along the z axis). Have I missed something, or do I have to
> call a setRotation to get it the way I want?
The problem is, you can set an initial direction for the capped cylinder mass, but not for the capped cylinder geometry. I'm struggling with this oddity myself, but I think the only solution is to set the mass and geom vertically and then use dBodySetRotation to give it the orientation you want.
But I do feel compelled to add, that I would be a happy man if the dCreateCCylinder geometry function could be given that initial direction parameter as well, just like dMassSetCappedCylinder has.
> When trying to solve this, I noticed that my test_ode seg faults on all
> the tests between textCholeskyFactorization() and testLDLTRemove(), and
> the first test in testMassFunctions() fails. Is this a reason for concern?
I have no idea what you're talking about :P The only word I recognize here is seg fault, and it sounds bad ;) Sorry I can't be of help here.