[ODE] I seem to be lacking any friction...

Darren Horton darren_horton at btopenworld.com
Sat Dec 20 20:24:00 MST 2003

Hi Everyone,

Apologies if I'm being a complete newb here :-)  I've set up my ODE
simulation, and I'm basically emulating a pool table (a very simple one
anyway).  I have several spheres (rigid bodies with geometry) and a simple
plane for the floor.  I've taken various values and the collision callback
function from ODE example 1 - test_boxstack.cpp.  If I drop the spheres from
a height onto the 'table', they stop, which is cool.  However, if the
spheres have any contact whatsoever with each other, they seem to transfer a
constant force, and basically wander off into oblivion without slowing down!

I have tried also to apply a force to the spheres using a single call to
AddForce().  This too adds an unstoppable momentum to the objects, and off
they go forever.  I've tried frictionless, friction between 0 and 1, massive
friction values etc. when creating the contact joints, and this still
doesn't stop the spheres.  I also noticed the ODE example 1 has the same
problem - if any spehere objects collide with other geometry, they roll and
roll and roll :-)

I've been trying different values for mass too - again using values between
0 and 1, bigger values etc.  Also tried changing timestep - I've used 0.05,
0.005 etc.  The sim runs faster/slower, but still the friction doesn't seem
to be there.

I can't help thinking I've missed something obvious, but I haven't been able
to find anything in the supplied demos.  Any help or advice would be greatly

Thanks guys,

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