[ODE] ode/opcode and heavy objects

Amund Børsand amund at offroad.no
Sun Aug 31 09:28:02 2003

nlin@nlin.net skreiv:

> This isn't really a problem with ODE per-se, but is a problem with discrete
> numerical simulation. Since during collision you are just taking a snapshot
> of the discrete object states, it's possible for fast-moving objects to
> jump "through" thin objects instead of colliding with them.

What I have understood so far, if it's correct, is that these problems
have nothing to do with timesteps. Heavy objects do not fall any faster
than light objects. If heavy objects fall through stuff, it's because of
the CFM and ERP settings, which are set too soft. I also read that there
currently are (or were they just fixed?) some problems with the box vs.
trimesh collision code, which could sound like the problems you are

Amund Børsand <amund atsign offroad.no>